Thursday, January 2, 2020

Isterika at National Sawdust NOV 2019 NYC

ISTERIKA  NOV 6, 2019 AT 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
 as part of Brooklyn Falls For France

Self Portrait Autumn Kioti


This  project  brings  together   singer/composer  Muriel  Louveau with dancer Emily Marie Pope and  composer/multi-­instrumentalist  Angélica  Negrón  for  a  series of  collaborative  improvisations  exploring  the  historic  and  socio  cultural  dynamics  of  hysteria.

  “Hysteria”  —  which  comes  from  the  Greek  word  for  womb,  hystera  —  was  one  of  the  first  mental  health  conditions  attributed  to  only  women.
"We’re  interested  in  exploring  archetypes  of  women  and  delving  deeper  into  perceptions  of   gender,  transgression  and  emancipation  via  inquiry  driven  physical  embodiments  and  sonic   and  poetic  realizations  of  these  ideas.  We’ll  also  consider  the  significance  of  female  body  in   theatre,  music  and  dance,  the  role  of  rituals  both  in  the  ancient  and  contemporary  worlds   and  the  cathartic  function  of  performances  both  on  the  ancient  and  modern  stages. "

The  show  will  move  fluently  from  solo  to  duo  structured  improvisations  between  Angélica Negrón  and  Muriel Louveau  combining  voices  with  electronics  and  unusual  instruments.   Emily  Marie  Pope  will  be  responding  real  time  to  these  soundscapes  through  the  physicalization  of  these  different  states  of  hysteria  oftentimes  in  close  proximity  to  the   audience  to  heighten  the  intense  and  immersive  trance  like  nature  of  this  experience.  The  movement  component  as  well  as  the  musical  soundscapes  will  range  from  stillness  and   gentle  articulations  to  more  dynamic  and  dramatic  gestures  exploring  the  inward  vs.  outwards  expressions  of  these  extreme  emotions  and  altered  states.   

 The performance will be followed by a talk with psycho analyst Paola Mieli.

For more information please visit National Sawdust.  
Photos of Muriel Louveau : Jill Steinberg

Q&A with Emily Marie Pope , Angelica Negron, Paola Mieli

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