Thursday, May 23, 2019

Endless Shapes Showings

Three years ago , I started to conceive and work with Tiffany Mills on the project Endless Shapes inspired by Mary Shelley and themes of liminality found in her seminal novel. We have rehearsed in June 2018 and since January ,I have joined the working sessions  of the dance company via Skype .  I am looking forward to being in the studio in New York to finalize the piece with the Team .

This hybrid evening-length work premiering at The Flea in November 2019 ,weaves movement  ,vocals ,and pre-recorded electronic music by Puerto rican composer Angélica Negron .

The piece seeks to unlock what is universal in these stories of liminality and bring out the ritualistic dimension of the altered states with abstract yet evocative sounds that transcend notions of culture, time and place. 
Tiffany Mills and her dancers have unfolded excerpts of this work in progress at Dixon place and The Flea .Here are a few glimpses .Stay Tuned  for more !